Section: InaSAFE Tools
Answers to section modules.

Question: InaSAFE does not support point using hazard data
Answer: True

Question: Mark all the correct statements
Answer: The multibuffer tool provides a way to run an analysis with hazard data derived from point data.
Answer: The multibuffer tool works with polygon and line layers too.

Question: InaSAFE does not use grid.xml files directly
Answer: True

Question: The dock is the place where InaSAFE displays useful messages

Question: Mark all the correct statements

Question: Minimum needs help to calculate humanitarian aid requirements for everyone in the affected area
Answer: True

Question: Mark all the correct statements

Question: PetaBencana is a world wide flood reporting system
Answer: False

Question: Mark all the correct statements
Answer: Archived data are available on the PetaBencana web site.