Section: Running InaSAFE
Answers to section modules.
Module Name
First steps – practical example
Question: Why did you not define keywords for the hazard and aggregation layers? Answer:
Keywords were already defined for the hazard and aggregation in this exercise.
Question: What is the main geometric operation used during the analysis: Answer:
Intersection of all features in hazard, exposure, and aggregation
Module Name
First steps – practical example (Bhutan)
Module Name
Aggregation – Field Mapping
Question: InaSAFE can produce detailed demographic breakdown reports using ratios
Question: Mark all the correct statements
Module Name
Bhutan infrastructure damage planning
Module Name
Bhutan human impact disaster mitigation
Module Name
Accessing Data using QuickOSM
Question: True or false – OpenStreetMap data are free, there is no need to mention where it came from Answer:
Module Name
Preparing an analysis from first principles
Module Name
InaSAFE Options
Question: InaSAFE options are intended only for system administrators? Answer:
Question: Mark all the correct statements
Module Name
Preparing an analysis from first principles (Planners)
Module Name
Preparing an analysis from first principles (Buildings)
Module Name
Preparing an analysis from frst principles (Flood)
Module Name
Preparing an analysis from first principles (Streets)
Module Name
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