Get Past Course Organisation
API returns GeoJSON location of past courses within a certifying organisation. The location is the location of the training center where this course will be held.
GET /id/qgis/certifyingorganisation/qgis-mappinggis/feed/past-course/
{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_Máster en Sistemas de Información Geográfica_2016-12-01-2018-05-29", "start_date": "2019-01-10", "end_date": "2019-12-11", "course_type_name": "Máster en Sistemas de Información Geográfica", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "QGIS, PyQGIS, PostGIS, Teledetección, Web mapping" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_Teledetección y LiDAR con QGIS_2018-05-03-2018-06-06", "start_date": "2019-03-07", "end_date": "2019-04-10", "course_type_name": "Teledetección con QGIS", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_Curso online QGIS aplicado al Planeamiento Urbano_2019-09-12-2019-11-06", "start_date": "2019-09-12", "end_date": "2019-10-09", "course_type_name": "Curso online QGIS aplicado al Planeamiento Urbano", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "QGIS" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_PyQGIS (Python para QGIS)_2018-01-11-2018-02-07", "start_date": "2019-11-07", "end_date": "2019-12-04", "course_type_name": "PyQGIS (Python para QGIS)", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "QGIS, Python, Plugin development" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_QGIS avanzado_2017-09-14-2017-10-18", "start_date": "2019-11-07", "end_date": "2019-12-11", "course_type_name": "QGIS avanzado", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "Topología, expresiones, geoprocesamiento avanzado, enrutamiento, automatización de tareas." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.703060387910297, 41.628547437859154 ] }, "properties": { "name": "QGIS_Curso online QGIS 2.14 'Essen'_2018-05-03-2018-05-30", "start_date": "2019-11-25", "end_date": "2019-12-20", "course_type_name": "Curso online QGIS 3.10 'A Coruña'", "course_convener_name": "Aurelio Morales San José", "training_center_name": "MappingGIS", "certifying_organisation_name": "MappingGIS", "language": "Spanish", "trained_competence": "QGIS" } } ] }