Question: Which expression below will calculate the area of every feature? Use experimentation in the field calculator to verify your answer Answer:
Question: Figure out which of these expression(s) you would use to change the outline colour of a symbol from the places when max_pop is larger then 5 million people. Experiment in the symbol properties panel Answer:
CASE WHEN pop_max > 5000000 THEN color_rgb(255,0,0) ELSE color_rgb(0,0,0) END Answer:
IF(pop_max > 5000000, color_rgb(255,0,0), color_rgb(0,0,0))
Module Name
Attribute expressions
Question: What is the best way to describe geometry functions Answer:
Group of functions which are intended to exclusively operate on the geometry of layers
Question: Which of the following can not be achieved using an expression Answer:
Give statics about a column in the attribute table.
Question: Can a user update selected records Answer:
Module Name
Advanced attribute expressions
Module Name
Kalkulator Field
Question: Kalkulator field hanya bekerja pada lapisan basis data relasional Answer:
Question: Pernyataan mana yang benar Answer:
Ketika melakukan kakulasi kolom anda dapat membuat kolom baru atau memperbaharui yang sudah ada
Module Name
Komunitas InaSAFE - Kueri dan Filter Atribut
Question: Benar atau salah: Menerapkan filter/saring di tabel atribut hanya akan menghasilkan fitur yang ditampilkan pada kanvas Answer:
Question: Apa tujuan menyaring/filtering tabel atribut - pilih jawaban yang benar
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