Section: Labelling
Answers to section modules.

Question: Which of the following statement regarding labelling is true.
Answer: Labels can be placed on top of each other

Question: Apa yang akan dihasilkan oleh contoh ekspresi ini jika digunakan dalam opsi ‘label with’?: x(centroid($geometry)) || ',' || y(centroid($geometry))

Question: Yang mana dari ekspresi berikut ini akan mengubah label menjadi merah jika jalan utama adalah tol (Coba di masing-masing properti warna teks untuk melihat)

Question: Choose all that apply: data driven labelling
Answer: lets you override label properties on a per-feature basis

Question: Which of these would pre-pin your label x position to the feature position
Answer: IF (label_x_1mil IS NULL, x( $geometry), label_x_1mil)

Question: What is a geometry function
Answer: A type of function that allows new values to be computed based on existing geometry of the layer.

Question: When using the geometry functions to calculate area does the data need to be in a projected co ordinate reference system
Answer: No, A GIS should be able to handle this.

Question: The units of area can only be metres.
Answer: False