“After running analysis in GeoSAFE users can download and review the analysis result dataset in QGIS”
In this module we explore visualising impact analysis output in desktop QGIS
Goal: To explore and understand the GeoSAFE results with relation to attributes and legends.
Check your results
In QGIS you should have a vector layer loaded which has symbology defined for the impact layer.
Name | Expectation |
http://geonode.kartoza.com/ |
Browser |
FireFox , Google Chrome, Internet Explorer |
Location |
Download path for the browser |
Layer |
Impact layer with .shp extension |
Background layer |
OSM , Google earth |
QGIS tools |
Identify, Expressions, Select |
For each analysis that has been run GeoSAFE keeps the impact layer and reports in place and this offers the flexibility that analysis done on different days can be compared. Since GeoSAFE is built with QGIS components the resultant layer can be directly viewed in QGIS or other desktop GIS software.
Which of the following statements is true:
Why do the maps generated in GeoSAFE look identical to the result layer you loaded in QGIS:
Do different browsers (Firefox, Safari) influence the appearance of the results: