“iD is a very nice first editor to use to contribute to OSM. But you might need a more powerful editor”
In this module we show you how to create and edit OSM data with the JSOM Editor.
JOSM is a powerful OSM editor software. But it’s also a more complex tool to use. You need to install Java and then the software itself. JOSM is an offline editor, it means you need to download locally an OSM dataset, edit it and then upload it again to OSM. One advice, don’t wait too long (one day) to push your updates, or you might have some conflicts with some others contributors. JOSM is very complex editor, but when you know how to use it, it’s really worth it!
Goal: Use the JOSM editor
Check your results:
After uploading, refresh the main map on osm.org, can you see your new buildings and roads?